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Italian School | Seite 7

Italian School | Seite 7

6459 Werke gefunden



Italian School
Poetry and Music, the Nine Muses...
1878 | Gravur

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Italian School
Portrait of Domenico Cimarosa (1...
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Italian School
Diptych depicting Stilicho (c.36...
Undatiert | Elfenbein

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Italian School
Salvator Rosa, Italian Baroque p...
Undatiert | Gravur

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Italian School
Archaeology of the Middle Ages (...
Undatiert |

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Italian School
Risorgimento: propaganda poster ...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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Italian School
Portrait of Vittorio Amedeo II d...
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Italian School
Add. 11267 'Large Planisphere, o...
Undatiert | Pergament

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Italian School
King Henry VIII in dispute with ...
Undatiert | Tinte und Aquarell auf Papier

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Italian School
Altar of St. Ignatius at the Chu...
Undatiert | Marmor

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Italian School
Reliquary sprayed with gold enam...
Undatiert | Kristallglas

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Italian School
Canto XXXI Dante and Virgil and ...
Undatiert | Pergament

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Italian School
The tarot cards of the Major Arc...
Undatiert | Farbgravur

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Italian School
Evangelical reliquary (metal, pr...
Undatiert | Metall, Edelsteine ??und Emaille

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Italian School
Different types of human monster...
Undatiert | Gravur

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Italian School
Portrait of Giovanni Nanni, Ital...
Undatiert |

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Italian School
Barometer (mercury tube) by Evan...
Undatiert | Foto

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Italian School
Grimoire of Pope Leo III
Undatiert | Lithographie

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Italian School
Soldiers, under the command of G...
1898 | Foto

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Italian School
Portrait of Isabella de" Medici
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Italian School
The Great Martyrdom of the Fifty...
Undatiert | Aquarell auf Papier

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Italian School
Savonarola Being Burnt at the St...
Undatiert | Öl auf Holz

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Italian School
Pope Gregory I, in the Chapel of...
Undatiert | Fresko

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Italian School
Theological virtues: Faith, Char...
Undatiert | Malerei

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Italian School
Map of the Venice Arsenal in 1580.
Undatiert | Gravur

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Italian School
Portrait of lace An old woman sm...
Undatiert | Malerei

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Italian School
Angel musician playing lute. Det...
Undatiert | malen

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Italian School
Miniature depicting the Resurrec...
Undatiert | Pergament

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Italian School
Political map indicating the div...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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Italian School
Cupola of the Baptistery of San ...
Undatiert | Mosaik

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Italian School
Illustration from Trattato di Sc...
1604 | Gravur

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Italian School
Poster advertising the Modena Ex...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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Italian School
Bartolommeo de' Sacchi (Platina)...
1505 | Holzschnitt

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Italian School
Pope Sixtus V (1520-90)
Undatiert | Gravur

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Italian School
The First Four Caliphs, plate 31...
Undatiert | farbige Aquatinta

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Italian School
View of the Tribune Room of the ...
Undatiert | Foto

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Italian School
Frontispiece with Fontegara in O...
1542 | Gravur

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Italian School
Unite d'Italie: the expedition o...
Undatiert | Gravur

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Italian School
View of the Throne Room or Chamb...
Undatiert | Foto

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Italian School
Gaetano Donizetti, Italian compo...
Undatiert | Gravur

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Italian School
Portrait of the Pope Urbain II (...
Undatiert | Gravur mit späterer Kolorierung

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Italian School
Prophet Jeremiah and symbols of ...
Undatiert | Mosaik

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Italian School
View of a saline, the neighborho...
Undatiert | Gravur

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Italian School
Portrait of the Pope Hygin (Igin...
Undatiert | Gravur mit späterer Kolorierung

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Italian School
Folding fan with views of the mo...
1780 | Gouache und Aquarell auf Doppelpergamentblatt, Knochen, Vergoldung und Kleistersteinen

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Italian School
Alessandro Manzoni and Giuseppe ...
Undatiert | Farbgravur

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Italian School
The 'Carta della Catena' showing...
Undatiert |

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Italian School
Prophet Jeremiah, mosaic, left o...
Undatiert |

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Italian School
Pulcinella, Commedia dell'arte c...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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Italian School
Portrait of Girolamo Frescobaldi...
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Italian School
Laomedon Refuses Apollo and Pose...
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Italian School
Portrait of Niccolo Machiavelli ...
Undatiert | Gravur

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Italian School
Battle scene at the walls of Jer...
Undatiert | Pergament

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Italian School
Cancer sign. Italian horoscope; ...
Undatiert | Miniatur

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Italian School
Cartoon portrait of Enrico Ferri...
Undatiert | Gravur

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Italian School
A galleon throws anchors and two...
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Italian School
Vase in the shape of a gourd in ...
Undatiert | Keramik

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Italian School
Andrea Verrocchio, Tombeau de Pi...
Undatiert | Gravur

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Italian School
Portrait of the Pope Nicolas II ...
Undatiert | Gravur mit späterer Kolorierung

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Italian School
Venice. The frozen lagoon in the...
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Italian School
Miracle of St. Anthony the Great...
Undatiert | Farbholzschnitt

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Italian School
Diagram depicting the path of a ...
Undatiert |

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Italian School
Attack of the Saracens on the Is...
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Italian School
Scenes from The Book of Joshua: ...
Undatiert | Mosaik

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Italian School
illustration of Monstrum Marinum...
1642 | Holzschnitt

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Italian School
illustration of Equus marinus mo...
1642 | Holzschnitt

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Italian School
Italian gentleman and elegant yo...
Undatiert | Gravur

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Italian School
Nova 2644 fol.58v The North Wind...
Undatiert | Pergament

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Italian School
Portrait of Jean-Philippe Rameau
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Italian School
Manco Capac and Queen Mama Ocllo...
1820 | farbige Gravur

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Italian School
Portrait of Pietro Cavallini, It...
Undatiert |

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Italian School
Portrait of a Gentleman, North I...
Undatiert |

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Italian School
American indians from South Caro...
Undatiert | Farbgravur

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Italian School
Arrival in Siena of Cosimo I of ...
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Italian School
Santa Maria del Soccorso or Mary...
Undatiert | Malerei

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Italian School
The wedding banquet of the bride...
Undatiert | Zeichnung

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Italian School
Portrait of the Pope Gelase II (...
Undatiert | Gravur mit späterer Kolorierung

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Italian School
Lorenzo the Magnificent among th...
Undatiert | Foto

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Italian School
Add MS 30337 f.3-4 The Montecass...
Undatiert | Pergament

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Italian School
Britons, Caledonians, and Queen ...
Undatiert | farbige Aquatinta

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Italian School
Possibly a portrait of Giovanni ...
Undatiert | glasierte und unglasierte Keramik

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Italian School
Figure of Harlequin from the Ser...
Undatiert | polychromes Holz

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Italian School
The vocal concert Painting of th...
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Italian School
Three Drawings after the Antique...
Undatiert | Braun gehöhte Pinselzeichnung lag über schwacher schwarzer Kreideangabe

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Italian School
La Facade de la Chapelle des Paz...
Undatiert | Gravur

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Italian School
Bolgia of the false prophets (so...
Undatiert | Miniatur

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Italian School
Paradiso VI f.56v Conversation w...
Undatiert | Pergament

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Italian School
Inferno XXIX f.21r Geri del Bell...
Undatiert | Pergament

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Italian School
Emperor Justinian (483-565) and ...
Undatiert | Pergament

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Italian School
A Neapolitan boat is chased by a...
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Italian School
Portrait of the Pope Eugene IV (...
Undatiert | Gravur mit späterer Kolorierung

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Italian School
Portrait of Ferdinand II (Ferdin...
Undatiert | Malerei

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Italian School
Portrait of Giovanni di Bacci de...
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Italian School
Apse mosaic with Christ as the P...
Undatiert | Mosaik

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Italian School
Abraham circumcising the Jews, i...
Undatiert |

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Italian School
Nativity of Mary, mosaic, gable ...
Undatiert |

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Italian School
Portique de la Chapelle des Pazz...
Undatiert | Gravur

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Italian School
Portrait of Vincenzo Bellini (18...
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Italian School
Primo Incontro Tra Mazzini e Gar...
Undatiert | Gravur

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Italian School
Icon of the Virgin of Clemence o...
Undatiert | Farbe auf Holz

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Seite 7 / 65

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Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00


   Kärntner Strasse 46
        9586 Finkenstein am Faaker See
        +43 4257 29415
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