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Alphonse Legros | Seite 13

Alphonse Legros | Seite 13

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Alphonse Legros
Milkmaid of Boulogne, 1st plate ...
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Alphonse Legros
Farm at the Monastery (La ferme ...
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Alphonse Legros
Farm at the Monastery (La ferme ...
Undatiert | Radierung und Kaltnadel?

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Alphonse Legros
Leon Gambetta, 2nd plate
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Alphonse Legros
Chailli: effet d'orage
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Alphonse Legros
The Beggars of Bruges
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Alphonse Legros
Triomphe de la Mort: La Mort ch...
Undatiert | Radierung und Kaltnadelradierung

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Alphonse Legros
The Double Bass Player
Undatiert | Radierung auf japanischem Elfenbeingewebe

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Alphonse Legros
Job, second plate
Undatiert | Radierung und Kaltnadelradierung auf elfenbeinfarbenem Bütten

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Alphonse Legros
Procession in the Crypt of St. M...
Undatiert | Radierung auf cremefarbenem Bütten

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Alphonse Legros
Vagabond Moving along a Lane Un ...
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Alphonse Legros
Thunder Un coup de foudre.
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Alphonse Legros
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Alphonse Legros
Portrait of Sir Francis Seymour ...
Undatiert | Mezzotinto

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Alphonse Legros
Countryside of Burgundy [recto].
Undatiert | Feder/Tinte

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Alphonse Legros
Landscape, Evening
Undatiert | Feder in Braun mit brauner Lavierung auf Bütten

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Alphonse Legros
Head of a Horse from the Parthenon
Undatiert | Goldstift mit Schaben auf weißem handelsüblichem Papier

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Alphonse Legros
Study of a Greek
Undatiert | Rötel auf Bütten

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Alphonse Legros
Clap of Thunder
Undatiert | Feder in Braun mit brauner Lavierung auf Bütten

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Alphonse Legros
Young Peasant (Jeune paysanne)
Undatiert | Lithographie in Rot

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Alphonse Legros
Banks of the Marne (Bord de la M...
Undatiert | Kaltnadel und (Radierung?) auf hellgrünem Papier

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Alphonse Legros
Contre-bass Player (Le joueur de...
Undatiert | Radierung

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Alphonse Legros
Corner of a Wood (Coin d'un bois)
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Alphonse Legros
Gust of Wind (Le coup de vent)
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Alphonse Legros
Self-Portrait, 3rd plate
Undatiert | Radierung? und Kaltnadelradierung

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Alphonse Legros
Bend in the River (Un coin de ri...
Undatiert | Radierung mit Sepiatinte retuschiert und laviert

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Alphonse Legros
Old Chateau (Un vieux chateau)
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Alphonse Legros
Finding the Sheep (Le mouton ret...
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Alphonse Legros
Saint Maurice in Bourgogne (Sain...
Undatiert | Radierung auf sehr hellgrünem Papier

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Alphonse Legros
At the Foot of the Cross (Au pie...
Undatiert | Lithographie in Grün

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Alphonse Legros
Banks of the Loire (Bord de la L...
Undatiert | Radierung und Kaltnadel

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Alphonse Legros
Head of a Philosopher (Tete de p...
Undatiert | Radierung

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Alphonse Legros
Fisherman with a Hoop-net (La pe...
Undatiert | Radierung und Aquatinta?

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Alphonse Legros
Valley of Veronne (La vallee de ...
Undatiert | Radierung

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Alphonse Legros
Poet (Le poete)
Undatiert | Radierung und Aquatinta

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Alphonse Legros
Harvesters (Les moissoneurs)
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Alphonse Legros
Landscape (Paysage)
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Alphonse Legros
Banks of the Liane (Les bords de...
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Alphonse Legros
Man in Punt
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Alphonse Legros
Near the Mill (Pres du moulin)
Undatiert | Radierung und Kaltnadelradierung (Fotoprozess?)

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Alphonse Legros
Valley in Bourgogne (Une vallee ...
Undatiert | Radierung und Kaltnadel?

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Alphonse Legros
Solitude (Solitude (Paysage))
Undatiert | Kaltnadelradierung

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Alphonse Legros
Siesta of a Harvester (Sieste d'...
Undatiert | Kaltnadelradierung

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Alphonse Legros
Mab and Cupid (Mab et Cupidon)
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Alphonse Legros
Victor Hugo, 1st plate
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Alphonse Legros
Self-Portrait, Medallion, No.2, ...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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Alphonse Legros
Victor Hugo, 1st plate
Undatiert | Radierung und Kaltnadel

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Alphonse Legros
Job, 1st plate
Undatiert | Radierung und Kaltnadel

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Alphonse Legros
Landscape (Paysage)
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Alphonse Legros
Ruins of a Chateau (Les ruines d...
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Alphonse Legros
La butte aux broussailles
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Alphonse Legros
Les Ramasseurs des Champignons
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Alphonse Legros
Hamlet near the Lake (Hameau prè...
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Alphonse Legros
Death of the Vagabond
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Alphonse Legros
Banks of the Saint-Pré
Undatiert | Radierung und Kaltnadelradierung auf elfenbeinfarbenem Bütten

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Alphonse Legros
Undatiert | Kaltnadelradierung

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Alphonse Legros
Victor Hugo
Undatiert | Radierung und Kaltnadelradierung

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Alphonse Legros
Portrait of Sir Frederick Leight...
Undatiert | Kaltnadelradierung

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Alphonse Legros
Head of a Man
Undatiert | Kaltnadelradierung

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Alphonse Legros
Man in a Skullcap
Undatiert | Kaltnadelradierung

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Alphonse Legros
The Great Spaniard
Undatiert | Kaltnadelradierung

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Alphonse Legros
Bords de la Somme Pres d
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Alphonse Legros
Coin d
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Alphonse Legros
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Alphonse Legros
Undatiert | Kaltnadelradierung

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Alphonse Legros
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Alphonse Legros
Village de Wimille, pres Boulogn...
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Alphonse Legros
Vieil Espagnol (Aged Spaniard)
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Alphonse Legros
Portrait of E.J. Poynter, Esq.
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Alphonse Legros
Dans la foret de Conteville (In ...
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Alphonse Legros
Bretonse vrouw met hoofddoek
Undatiert | Papier

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Alphonse Legros
Portrait of William Michael Ross...
1864 | Lithographie

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Alphonse Legros
Self-Portrait Third Plate.
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Alphonse Legros
The Wash House Le Lavoir, Dite L...
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Alphonse Legros
Landscape in the Vicinity of Bou...
Undatiert |

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Alphonse Legros
Fishermen on the Wharf at Boulog...
Undatiert | Kaltnadel/Kaltnadel/Kaltnadel

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Alphonse Legros
Les Ramasseurs des Champignons.
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Alphonse Legros
Hector Berlioz.
Undatiert | Kaltnadel/Kaltnadel/Kaltnadel

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Alphonse Legros
The Farm on the River La Ferme S...
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Alphonse Legros
Portrait of Sir Frederick W. Bur...
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Alphonse Legros
The Washing Place, called The Wa...
Undatiert | Kaltnadel/Kaltnadel/Kaltnadel

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Alphonse Legros
Val Prinsep.
Undatiert | Kaltnadel/Kaltnadel/Kaltnadel

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Alphonse Legros
Head of a Model.
Undatiert | Kaltnadel/Kaltnadel/Kaltnadel

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Alphonse Legros
Portrait of Henry Wadsworth Long...
Undatiert | Lithographie/Lithographie/Lithographie

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Alphonse Legros
The Blind Beggar.
Undatiert | Kaltnadel/Kaltnadel/Kaltnadel

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Alphonse Legros
Study of a Man Reading.
Undatiert | Kaltnadel/Kaltnadel/Kaltnadel

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Alphonse Legros
The Triumph of Death: The Procla...
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Alphonse Legros
Frederic Regamey.
Undatiert | Lithographie

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Alphonse Legros
Village of Wimille, near Boulogn...
Undatiert | Radierung

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Alphonse Legros
Edge of a Wood Lisiere de bois.
Undatiert | Radierung/Kaltnadel

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Alphonse Legros
Corner of a Wood Coin d'un bois.
Undatiert | Radierung

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Alphonse Legros
Ruins of a Chateau Les ruines du...
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Alphonse Legros
Return from the Woods Le retour ...
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Alphonse Legros
H.W. Longfellow, 2nd plate.
Undatiert | Lithographie

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Alphonse Legros
The Adoration of the Shepherds L...
Undatiert | Radierung

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Alphonse Legros
In the Forest of Conteville Dans...
Undatiert | Radierung

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Alphonse Legros
Farmer and His Donkey Le fermier...
Undatiert | Kaltnadel/Radierung

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Alphonse Legros
Head of a Man with Curly Hair an...
Undatiert | Bleistift

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Alphonse Legros
Mushroom Gatherers Les ramasseur...
Undatiert | Kaltnadel/Radierung

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Alphonse Legros
Large Spaniard Le grand Espagnol.
Undatiert | Radierung

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Alphonse Legros
Traveler taking Shelter Le voyag...
Undatiert | Kaltnadel/Radierung

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Alphonse Legros
Milkmaid of Boulogne, 3rd plate ...
Undatiert | Radierung/Kaltnadel

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Alphonse Legros
Poet Le poete.
Undatiert | Radierung

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Seite 13 / 22

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        9586 Finkenstein am Faaker See
        +43 4257 29415
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