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Witches of Salem - a girl bewitc...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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Pontiac visits Major Gladwin at ...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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Martha Corey is accused of witch...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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American traitor: General Benedi...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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Entdecken Sie weitere Kunstwerke von School American

198 Werke gefunden



School American
Pocahontas saves the life of Joh...
Undatiert | Farbgravur

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School American
Massasoit, chief of the Wampanoa...
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School American
The founding of St. Augustine in...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
Chilkat Blanket, Tlingit Tribe (...
Undatiert | Textil-

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School American
New Amsterdam (later New York) o...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
The ferry, New York, c.1750 (litho)
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
The Good Samaritan (oil on canvas)
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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School American
Siege of Fort Detroit by Pontiac...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
'Ghost dance' dress, Arapaho Tri...
Undatiert | Wildleder

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School American
Map of the Colonies of North Ame...
Undatiert | Farbgravur

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School American
Iroquois Mask (wood & hair)
Undatiert | Holz und Haare

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School American
Anne Hutchinson on trial for off...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
West Point, the key fort that Be...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
William Penn receives the Charte...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
'Comfort Swing Chair' produced b...
Undatiert | Stahl und Leinwand

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School American
Pilgrim Fathers Land in America ...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
James Blair (colour litho)
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
Tiffany & Co. vases (glass)
Undatiert | Glas

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School American
'I have not yet begun to fight',...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
The palatial residence of Govern...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
Landing of Dutch colonists on St...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
The lost colony of Roanoke (colo...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
Fishermen drying cod in New Engl...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
War Shield, Sioux Tribe (buckskin)
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School American
Warrior's Shield, Cheyenne Tribe...
Undatiert | Büffelleder und Federn

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School American
Texas Rangers Badge (metal)
Undatiert | Metall

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School American
Manhattan Island, New York City,...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
The Last Drop from his Stetson (...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
Pedro Menendez de Aviles (litho)
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
Samoset, Chief of the Pemaquids ...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
New Jersey farmhouse built in 16...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
Henry Ford and his first motorca...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
Life in New England in the 17th ...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
Benjamin Franklin wearing the un...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
Indian peace medal (silver)
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School American
An oyster man in New England ped...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
Zuni Tribesman blowing pollen ov...
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School American
Defending the infant settlement ...
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School American
The Dutch Stadt Huys, New Amster...
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School American
New Amsterdam on Manhattan Islan...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
Six Notable Sioux Leaders (colou...
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School American
White Shield, of the Southern Ch...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
Chilkat Dress, Tlingit Tribe (Te...
Undatiert | Textil-

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School American
Capitol Hill, first built in 179...
Undatiert | Foto

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School American
Three shaman figures (painted te...
Undatiert | bemalte Terrakotta

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School American
A Building On The Yale Universit...
Undatiert | Radierung

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School American
Samoset, chief of the Pemaquids ...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
Sir Edmund Andros proclaims the ...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
View of the East River, New York...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
Philip Carteret lands in the for...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
Sioux Indians on the Move (oil o...
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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School American
The capture of Major John Andre ...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
Governor Peter Stuyvesant surren...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
Mississippi steamboats on fire a...
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School American
A horn-book used in schools (litho)
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School American
Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
Primitive method of grinding cor...
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School American
William Penn (colour litho)
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
View of St. Augustine, Florida i...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
View of New York harbour in the ...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
A 100 shilling note designed and...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
The American naval flag, as flow...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
Chief Hollow Horn Bear (1850-191...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
A view of Savannah, Georgia in 1...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
Ezra Stiles, after the painting ...
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School American
Map of Pennsylvania at the begin...
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
Kachina Dolls (mixed media)
Undatiert | Gemischte Medien

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School American
Buffalo Bill (1846-1917) (colour...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
John Law (litho)
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
Fringed Shirt, Sioux Tribe (text...
Undatiert | Textil-

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School American
Landscape (wood engraving)
Undatiert | Holzstich

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School American
Nathaniel Bacon confronts Sir Wi...
Undatiert | Gravur

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School American
Swedish settlers land at Paradis...
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School American
Miss Lydia Howard (colour litho)
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School American
Bird Facing Right
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School American
The Puritan's church bell was a ...
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School American
Poster advertising 'James Pyle's...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
The Miracle of the Quail (colour...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
Roger Williams purchases the req...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
Captain Miles Standish trades wi...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
Water Pot, Pueblo Culture (ceramic)
Undatiert | Keramik

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School American
Four bandits overpower and plund...
Undatiert | Gravur

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School American
William Penn (colour litho)
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
David de Vries (litho)
Undatiert | Lithographie

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School American
A 'Lotus' leaded glass and bronz...
Undatiert | Glas, Bronze

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School American
A cotton plant (colour litho)
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
Gorget (marine shell)
Undatiert | Meeresmuschel

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School American
Poster advertising 'Devoe's Bril...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
The Old Court House of Philideph...
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School American
'Always Riding' (colour litho)
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School American
Advert for Remington Typewriters
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School American
A Floral Applique Quilt, Possibl...
Undatiert | Textil-

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School American
George Clinton (1739-1812) (engr...
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School American
Chief 'Wooden Lance' (colour litho)
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
Yale University, New haven, Conn...
Undatiert | Farblithographie

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School American
Theodore de Bry (litho)
Undatiert | Lithographie

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+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00

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+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00


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        9586 Finkenstein am Faaker See
        +43 4257 29415
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